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Revision as of 08:28, 14 November 2011

I'm working up a spreadsheet with the color and font data. I have chosen color and font names primarily for distinct first letters - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArV3zp4PCR4BdDRld3Nid2RVQklJcDI2WU9oMUY4Zmc --Kasumi 01:11, 9 November 2011 (UTC)

  • OK, so a quick look at your sheet so far indicates that the bird font gives 4 letters in order: b,o,t,h. Perhaps looking further at just bird font might be useful to see if that's a coincidence or actual info. I don't see any similar pattern in the other fonts so far. -Derrick

Copy of the text; bold for things that seem to be missing a space, italics for phrases --Kasumi 17:59, 7 November 2011 (UTC)

bimolecular stock exchange lumberjack self fruitful intoxicate hydrosulfide fourth of july dizygotic special jury senseful wipe up citizenly refurbish knuckle joint butanol accusingly administrative autoantibody sanding machine corrosive sublimate ubiquitously appendices gilead quick-freeze chiromancer aquarellist quarterdeck quaintly frontogenesis apprehensibly revamp lucrativeness tranquilize discount uriniferous tubule tawpie skin grafting antigenicity drugged jerusalem thorn bas mitzvahconfidingness worcester porcelain overcautious liquidize falcon gentle sympathectomy laudable reach me down ascendible newsworthy disenchanter autotrophically water smoke jumper oxyuriasis ballistically equilibrate zionismdeleterious chronogrammatic bermuda shorts interdependency harpsichord je ne sais quoi aficionado endoplasmic accolade fashionable implemental deuterium oxide ashamedly examinable dendrological bastille day pasqueflower mutchkin jokingly diploblastic dhu’l-hijja bermuda grass anthropometrically pont l’eveque ski jump witenagemot unquestionably articulative polyconic projection half step secularization archduke pitchmots justes conservational continually dislikable decarboxylation expressway citric acid communique almsgiver azimuthal dermatome meerschaum dependence diphthongization banishment fashionmonger juvenile delinquency alaska time pulverize geocentrically smock frock exclusive of burdensomeness rattlesnake plantain amorphously bachelors quahaug antiproton whoopla crookedness heir presumptive exoskeleton digital bounderish chemiluminescent icosahedra grumpiness quaker ladies gravelly isoalloxazine assassinate letters ofmarque quinquefoliolate quaternary ammonium compound declinable cross question magnetic equator cerebral palsyheavy smokejack qualmishly gingerbread devilishly clinker-built accountantship cacomistle well-wisher darlingly yellowbird blue devils calf’s-foot jelly afterlife bounteousness variorumbuhl bituminous coal circumnavigate demisemiquaver leviratic internationalize wheatstone bridge abashment caravansary crewelwork anthropomorphism blood improvisatory acetylsalicylate heartburning admissibility self-registering carminative atom bomb deviation colloquiums festering window box black raspberry jumping-off placeweaver’s knot johnson grass group dynamics actinomycetous catalogue raisonne royal jelly sniffishly pickaxe borough english liver fluke junoesque achromatic lank clostridia busybody depravement waxwing john bullishness dollar mark dust jacket bishop flying jib adjudicatory vituperation allergen appetent queen’s birthday taxis punishable woodworking jack-in-the-pulpits beautification fideistic conterminous alphanumeric expressmanwarehouse coquettishness tranquilest lime-juicer inextinguishable zwinglianist par excellence adaptable hydrographically hawaiian guitar scotland yard cantilever vapidly out of work altarpiece jarring carpetbaggerymastoiditis chromonemic adjutants general bailable diamondiferous decurved nux vomica terminus ad quem disk wheel stevedore knot distrustfulness brassiness pandect spanish influenza bloodthirstily apartment building four horsemen

My initial thought upon seeing the puzzle is to separate out the letters of each particular typeface/color to see if they spell anything when concatenated. However, the page makes my eyes hurt, so I leave the actual trying of it to someone else. -Shen-Ji

I find the page hurts less if I look at it magnified many times (600% or more). Colors (interestingly there seems to be only one brown?): yellow, dark yellow; orange, red-orange; red, brick red; brown; blue-green, gray-green; Fonts: ugh, that would be much easier if knew the names of fonts. I can sort of figure out which letters go with which... --Kasumi 18:13, 7 November 2011 (UTC)

Letter frequency; word frequency

I note that there are an unusual number of each of {j, q, x, z}. In ordinary English text they're the four rarest letters, and here they're still four of the five rarest letters, but they appear at 5-10 times the frequency they would in normal text; for example, there are 30 'q's in less than 3000 letters, over 1%; in normal text 'q' is less than 0.1% of the letters. (There's also unusually few 't's, but I'm not as confident that that's anything.)

The word 'bermuda' appears twice, once in 'bermuda grass' and once in 'bermuda shorts'. The word 'grass' appears twice, once in 'bermuda grass' and once in 'johnson grass'. The word 'knot' appears twice, once in 'weaver's knot' (adjacent to 'johnson grass') and once in 'stevedore knot'. The word 'jelly' appears twice, once in 'calf's-foot jelly' and once in 'royal jelly'. Xian 04:18, 12 November 2011 (UTC)
