Party Loot

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Revision as of 22:35, 7 December 2014 by Takanata (Talk | contribs)

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  • 276 tael, 38 silver li, and 50 copper zhu
  • 1 silver strips and 32 copper strips (Northern money)
  • 5 tael worth of fancy jewelry


Single-Use Magic Items

Anyone can use these; there are no cards

  • 10 healing potions (3d10)
  • 2 healing potions in long term storage


  • Great Talisman of the Butterfly: A white and black medallion. On the front, in silver on white, the cycle is carved around the perimeter. Centered is a butterfly in gold. On the reverse side, in silver on black, are the symbols for "Fenghuangnu: Importance of the World". This doubles the base Status (before any modifiers) of its holder/wearer. The wearer should let the GMs know they have it.
  • Great Talisman of the Monkey: A white and black medallion. On the front, in silver on white, the cycle is carved around the perimeter. Centered is a monkey in gold. On the reverse side, in silver on black, are the symbols for "Xiangshounu: Enjoyment of the World". This doubles the base Dexterity (before any modifiers) of its holder/wearer. The wearer of this talisman cannot be restrained, detained, or otherwise captured or held in any way. All doors will open to allow him to escape, all bonds and grabs will fail.
  • Great Talisman of the Magpie: A white and black medallion. On the front, in silver on white, the cycle is carved around the perimeter. Centered is a magpie in gold. On the reverse side, in silver on black, are the symbols for "Baozangnu: Treasure of the World". This doubles the base Energy (before any modifiers) of its holder/wearer. The wearer of this talisman pays 20% less, and earns 20% more, when engaging in actual monetary transactions.


  • One favor from the House of Butler
  • One favor from the Steward of the Roof of the World
  • One favor from Sonwu or Jegal clan (or a small one from both).
  • One favor from the Order of Journey's End
  • One favor from the House of Gainful Protection
  • One favor from the Sea Lord
  • One summoning of the Bearers of Swift Response in a country bordering the South Wall.
  • Min-Su will provide 14 successes of Monkeys of Confusion.
  • Akimoto will provide 2 successes of Acrobatics
  • A sealed scroll from Ti Lao. When opened, it will contain an indication as to whether or not a particular course of action is appropriate at this time
  • Root will provide an anti-earth or anti-water favor.
  • One major ninja intervention from the House of Night's Promise
Ando knows the three for the southern kingdoms.
The Lord Mayor letter has been traded to the Obsidian Thieves Guild

  • Takanata has a small political favor from the King of the Taiga.
  • Takanata has one wolf pack to help in a fight somewhere wolves could get to.
  • Sun Peng and Qing Lu each owe a favor to Wei Han / Shen-Ji.
  • One minor boon from the Sun to each of: Kasumi, Deng, Min Feng, Takanata, Xian, Xiao Fa
  • The Green Duke's majordomo owes Shen-Ji a favor
  • The Sea Lord owes Xian a favor.
  • Councillor Sima owes Yanyu a favor.

  • Takanata owes the Cartogramancer a favor.
  • Takanata owes the Firelord a favor.
  • Yanyu owes a favor to the Exalted Library.
  • Yanyu and Kasumi owe a favor to the Exalted Library.
  • Cai Wen owes the High Warlord's wives a private circus performance
  • Cai Wen owes Precious Jade a favor.
  • Cai Wen owes Commander Sun a favor.
  • Xiao Fa owes the Steppes regent a favor.