Meng Ao

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A sage who lives near Nine Terraces, he revealed at the Whispered Ball that the Son of the Moon was courting the Daughter of the Sun, but to no avail.

Update: Xiao Fa "Restored The Balance" on Meng Ao after Three Ring Yoshi, apparently lifting this curse:

After revealing secrets he perhaps shouldn't have, he was cursed by Lady Inoue Sakura to have his prophetic dreams Always On, which has been driving him crazy. He has been deadening himself to these dreams with opium, but that's only partially helping. Lord Takanata's I Ching reading said:

To see with sight beyond mortal sight is to see that which others might wish to stay hidden. To learn a secret is what all desire; to boast of a secret learned draws wrath.

Cai Wen thinks that we're missing a lot of the picture on this curse. The I Ching reading doesn't specifically refer to Lady Sakura. The story seems to be: a curse landed on Meng Ao, and he didn't know what was going on, and then he got the I Ching reading, and then, whilst in the midst of an avalanche of always-on visions, looking for a vision of who it was, he apparently got a vision (or maybe a flood of visions) related to Lady Sakura.