Dragon Army Problems

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@MrGrumpyPants: The barbarians are doing a terrible ritual, but I can't cross the wall to stop them. #dragonarmyproblems We have until Crane

Northeast Wall

Although Commander Yao is the right person for the long term defense of the Empire, we need to help for him to make it through the first winter. In Cavalry Charge, we learned that there are five major things wrong which we can help with.


The problems

  1. Commander Yao could use a radiation accident to adjust his Personal Mastery Style, which is "Defender of the South". He's rolling for 9s on too many things.
  2. Both the locals and the army have an entrenched habit of not coordinating with each other.
  3. The Obsidian Warlord has his own forces in the area, and has overruled Commander Yao on a couple of issues (though they seem to have been good calls). Having the Warlord looking on critically after Lo Ping's execution is kind of freaking everyone out.
  4. Soldiers still have the habit of calling the undead bandits even though the order is rescinded; this doesn't help their credibility, and it strains their relations with Commander Yao, who is starting to think they're idiots.
  5. The local Arcade forces are kind of thin on the ground.


Personal Mastery Style




Arcade Forces