House of Exuberant Interference

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Official members of the House

Head of House: Li Merit

Other PC Members: Anto, Shuyan, Cai Wen, Kasumi, Yanyu

Notable NPCs:

  • Chashui is similarly-ranked with the PCs (i.e. has a vote if things come to a vote) and has the right to veto an action; if we don't agree afterward that the veto was reasonable, she has the right to leave the House along with full ownership of the Cup of Five Virtues.
  • Inokora Izumi is the chief of House guards. She is a former Dragon Army officer. She has a squad of ex-Dragon Army soldiers who served with her.
    • Kong Pei and his squad report to Izumi.
  • Shanxi commands a special ops squad.
  • Merit recruited a lot of old buddies (7 karma...) to form the initial rank and file of the House.

Patron Spirit: Speedy, a Snail Spirit of Speed and Time

House Stats

(Stats TBA. Initial investment should be at least 5 Res, 5 Inf, 3 Mil, 5 Chi)

House Actions Log

Assets of the House

  • The Cup of Five Virtues
  • The Merit Trade Company
  • A Country Estate (House HQ), with these adjectives: Fabulous, Defensible, Magical, Propitious, Prosperous.

Notes on House formation

Assets which were declared at House formation time:

  • Several PCs (+2 Chi, +1 Inf, +1 Mil at House creation time. Note that the head of the house does not contribute to stats, so had it been Cai Wen, I think the +1 Inf would have turned into +1 Res.)
  • 100 Tael (the credit chit from the Imperial Job, which was presumed very hard to spend otherwise. Spending it in this way is one of the best ways we found to "launder" it; the King of the Arcade probably noticed something, but it should be hard for anyone else) (+2 Res)
  • The Merit Trading Company (+3 Res)
  • The Cup of Five Virtues (+2 Inf, +1 Chi)
  • Based on Zhuai's advice, we spent about 20 tael paying off debts of various people in the Arcade, gaining an Influence point for it (+1 Inf)
  • A Patron Spirit, named Speedy. Speedy is a Snail Spirit (of Speed and Time), whose story was learned by Shen-ji in Left Behind. We pumped him up with 2 points of spirit power, and in return, he will be the Patron Spirit of the House for some time (possibly Merit's lifetime; TBA). (+2 Chi)
  • 30 Tael spent on recruiting more guards (+1 Mil)
  • The blessing of the House of Benevolent Oversight (+1 Inf)
  • Inokoru Izumi and her squad (+1 Mil)

Some possible future plays for stat increases:

  • Water Gate Network
  • Converting 8 Bear/Horse points to a point of Chi