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Trade Mechanics

Classes of Goods

Common Goods

I think that these are boring, no-extra-mechanics goods.

Luxury Goods

Gems, jewelry, rarer spices. So far, they work the same way as Common Goods, except that they are harder to buy and easier to sell.

Bulk Goods

I only know that this category exists.

Rare Goods

I only know that this category exists.

Mechanics Discoveries

  • "Friction" pushes profits down.
  • There was "friction" on the Butterfly-> Arcade move.
  • "Barriers" crossed pushes profits up.
    • Barriers are things that keep the locals at the selling location from easily getting goods from elsewhere. The blockade of an island is a significant barrier. The hassle that used to surround the Port of Propitious Voyage when the Dragon army was there, probably counted as a barrier. Geographic features, like the Mountains of Heaven, can also count as a barrier. Barriers have levels depending upon their size. Each level of barrier crossed by a trader adds the equivalent of a negative friction level to a transaction.
  • There was no "barrier" on the Butterfly-> Arcade move.
  • Clever insights into the market can result in extra successes.
  • Bungles or hurried transactions can result in negative successes.
  • You can invest in multiple classes of goods simultaneously, but must make a different trading roll for each class (so it's harder to use Fortune, but you need fewer successes).

Amounts >50 li but <100 li

Common Goods

  • 3 successes on each roll needed for buy/sell to break even.
  • Moving to a "bordering" country counts as three successes on sell roll.

Amounts >100li but <250li

Common Goods

  • 5 successes on both rolls needed for buy/sell to break even.
  • Moving to a "bordering" country counts as two successes on sell roll.

Luxury Goods

  • 5+1d3 successes needed to buy and 5-1d3 successes needed to sell to break even.

Amounts >250li but <500

Common Goods

  • 7 successes on both rolls needed for buy/sell to break even.
  • Moving to a "bordering" country counts as one success on sell roll.

Luxury Goods

  • 5+1d4 successes needed to buy and 5-1d4 successes needed to sell to break even.


  • Daizhou is only a tier three city. When your sell transaction produced a value greater than 500li, you went over its cap, leading to an automatic level of friction.
  • For the in-run buy roll in the Port of Auspicious Voyage, Li Merit took a -1 situation modifier for his hurried transaction.
  • Gate of Shen is a tier two city.