Yang Shen-Ji

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Background Information

Concept: Phoenix/Metal Sorcerer

History: Shen-Ji was born to a poor family in the Butterfly Kingdom 23 years ago. He was discovered by a sorceror/diviner at the age of 2 and was adopted by his master (Bai Jing-Zhe) at that time. He has no memories or connection to his birth family.

Shen-Ji is a classic cloistered academic type; he has spent his entire life either studying sorcery or at court. He developed sword skill essentially as an academic exercise and because he is a metal sorceror; he has no combat experience outside dueling. He also doesn't carry a sword normally since it doesn't fit the classic image of a sorceror; if needed he summons a sword. Shen-Ji is comfortable in a civilized setting and has never gone beyond the city gates. Because he has no experience in the real world, his master is pushing him out now to get out and learn how things work outside.

Plot Hook: Shen-Ji's real family is a complete unknown to him. He has been too involved in studying to really miss them so far, but would likely be curious if the subject were to come up. However, he is ambivalent since they could potentially be an embarassment in his current life at court.

Source: Master Bai, a metal sorceror.

EP Data

Note that this list is out of date and is not being actively maintained.


Physical Mental Spiritual
Body Reflexes Mind Social Tao
Force/Offense Strength = 6 Accuracy = 6 Intelligence = 7 Charisma = 7 Yang = 12
Precision/Defense Resistance = 6 Dexterity = 7 Wit = 7 Grace = 7 Yin = 12
Reserve Health = 7 Energy = 7 Resolve = 7 Status = 7 Chi = 12
Hit Points HP = (Health + Energy) * 5 = 70
Move Move = (Strength + Energy) / 2 = 6.5 = 7


Level 1

  • Summon Lesser Sculpture (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/3/1/1/6)

Summons a sculpture of a human or animal from the ground in front of the caster. It lasts for the duration of the scene/combat and then sinks back into the ground.

  • Minor Control of Metal (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/3/1/1/6)

Caster can cause an object of up to Yang successes*5 pounds total weight and having a non-trivial metal component to move/fly at a rate of Yang successes per phase. Not usable as a weapon.

  • Ritual Tweak (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 5/1/1/1/5)

1/run, spend a Yin to get an interesting hint from the GM about a ritual of Ezokin's you're investigating.

  • Polish Antique (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 1/4/1/1/4)

Caster has the ability to buff up an old or dirty antique, removing grime, tarnish, surface rust, etc. Also can remove small nicks and dents. Will not restore or improve structural integrity or give any combat bonuses.

  • Create Work of Art (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/2/1/1/6)

Once/run, caster can create a nice work of art, approximately a few li in value.

  • Useful Pet (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/2/1/1/6)

Once per run, may do something useful.

  • He's Not Molting, He's Pining For The Fjords (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/2/1/1/4)

My pet phoenix sheds a phoenix feather for me to use; does not stack.

  • Finger on the Balance (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/3/1/1/6)

As part of a sorcerous ritual, I can adjust the balance of one element/action/cycle. (Metal, I can adjust all the way; others less so.)

  • Create Coinage (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/2/1/1/6)

Caster can create a handful of zhu, allowing him to spend up to 99 zhu on something.

  • Patron (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/2/1/1/4)

You may make a bargain fir someone's artistic Patronage. You may only have one Patron per copy of this schtick.

  • Magical Study (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/2/2/1/8)

Memorize a spell or person's aura. For a spell, success requires a Yin with Magical Analysis roll >=2x the schtick's Power. Requires that I be able to see the spell in the process of being cast. For an aura, success requires a Yin with Magical Analysis roll >= Target's Chi. Requires that I be able to see the person.

Level 2

  • Flying Disk of Metal (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/5/1/1/10)

Summons a 3' diameter metal disk that the caster stands on; disk will fly via the caster's mental control. Damage to the disk may impact speed and ability to fly. Movement rate = Yang successes per phase.

  • Wear Beautiful Armor (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/6/1/1.5/18)

Can wear armor, but it must be beautiful.

  • Sense Magic (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/4/1/1/12)

Once per turn/10 mins, can sense nearby magic items and effects.

  • See Magic (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/4/1/1/6)

I can see nearby magic items and effects.

  • One With The Magic (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/4/1/1/6)

With concentration, I can immerse myself in the magical aura of an item or effect.

  • Firestorm (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 9/1/1/1.5/13)

Once per run, spend a Yang to do [Yang successes]*3 points of damage to everyone on the map who does not have a Swift Tiger tattoo.

  • Minor Ritual Power (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 2/5/1/1/10)

+1 die to Magic Ritual Rolls

  • Melt Metal (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 4/3/1/1/12)

1/scene, caster can cause metal of up to Yang successes x 100 pounds to melt and flow.

  • Summon Ripper Demons (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/2/1/1.5/18)

Summon ripper demons with x6 damage multiplier. Must spend 10 HP/demon summoned, demons must do 300 HP total of damage before leaving.

  • Fast Art (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 4/2/1/1/8)

Quickly summon up a piece of art in a single action for a designated Patron.

Level 3

  • Wall of Iron (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 4/4/1/1/16)

The caster can cause a wall of iron to rise up from the ground in front of him, Yang successes in hexes long.

  • Firepower (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/6/1/1/18)

+3 dice to sorcery rolls.

  • Firepower (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/6/1/1/18)

+3 dice to sorcery rolls.

  • See the Strike (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 3/5/1/1.5/22)

Dodge with Yin.

  • Destroy Wood (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 4/4/1/1/16)

1/round, caster can cause normal wood of up to Yang successes x 100 pounds to splinter and disintegrate.

  • Bold (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/3/1/1*/18)

Once a scene, I can refresh my Yang fortune.

  • Summon/Contact Spirit/Demon (P/F/S/Com/Cos: 8/2/1/1.5/24)

Summon or contact a spirit given its name; requires a chi roll.

Level 4

  • Sorcerous Ease (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 4/6/1/1/24)

-1 difficulty on all sorcery rolls.

  • Sorcerous Ease (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 4/6/1/1/24)

-1 difficulty on all sorcery rolls.

  • At My Command (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/4/1/1/24)

Double dice for sorcery (once/turn)

  • Branching Power (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/4/1/1/24)

Split Sorcery dice unlimited ways, 1/turn

  • Wrath of the Phoenix (P/F/S/Com/Cos: 8/3/1/1/24)

Roll your Yang to consume an enemy in Fire. Ranged damage = Yang successes * 6

Level 5

  • Heavify Weapons (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 5/5/1/1/25)

A metal weapon held by my target (within 8 hexes) becomes extremely heavy and falls to the ground. If the weapon is successfully disarmed, it cannot be picked up until the end of the combat.

  • Fire Arrow (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/5/1/1/30)

Allows caster to conjure forth a fire arrow and shoot it at a target; damage is 4xYang successes.

  • Disable Bow (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 5/5/1/1/25)

A wooden weapon held by my target (within 8 hexes) becomes wiggly and flexible and unusable until the end of the combat.

  • Firestorm (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 9/3/1/1/27)

Once per turn, spend a Yang to do [Yang successes]*3 points of damage to everyone on the map who is not linked to the Butterfly Talisman.

Level 6

  • Iron Arrow (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/6/1/1/36)

Allows caster to conjure forth a metal arrow and shoot it at a target; damage is 4xYang successes.

  • Grounding Rod (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/6/1/1/36)

Take half damage from magic effects.

Level 7

  • Bind Demon (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 10/4/1/1.5/60)

You can bind a demon to a single task, after which it is no longer bound (unless the binding is something like "go into this demon box"). You must beat 1-3x the demon's tao; x1 for things which go along with its nature, and x3 for things directly antithetical to its nature.

Mastery Schticks

  • Professional Courtesy (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/3/1(2)/1/18)

Once per scene, may request a favor or consideration from another Master. They may ask for a minor favor in return.

  • Reputation (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/2/1(2)/1/12)

Sometimes people have heard of me as a great and powerful master sorcerer.

Metamagic Schticks

  • Dispel Magic (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/4/1(2)/1/24)

I can dispel a magic spell or ongoing magical effect. Requires an opposed Chi (or equivalent) roll.

Spouse Schticks

  • Business Manager (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 6/2/1(2)/1/12)

My wife is an excellent business manager.

  • Devoted (P/F/S/Con/Cos: 7/5/1(2)/1/35)

Immune to Seduction.

True Mastery Abilities

  • Mastery Tree
  • Specialized Invincibility

Planned/possible schticks

  • Lvl 1:
    • A Phoenix, Most Impressive (Freq 2, Power 3: +3 dice for social actions, 1/run, only usable on Phoenix aspect people or someone who would respect/be impressed by a phoenix)
  • Lvl 2:
    • Sword's Betrayal (Myeong) (or lvl 3)
    • Piercing Metal Implement (Bai)
    • Pet Phoenix at power 6
  • Lvl 3:
  • Lvl 4:
    • Skin of Bronze (Bai)
  • Lvl 5:
  • Lvl 6:
  • Lvl 7:

Schtick Want List

  • Fine Control (for Sorcery), approx power 3
  • Duplicate Spell. Once I have successfully studied a spell, I can cast it myself; if it has any particular requirements or limitations, I must satisfy them (but I know what they are when the schtick is Studied). Using this schtick erases the instance of that Study. (This would be power N+2 to duplicate spell of power N.)
  • Duplicate Aura. Once I have successfully studied a person's aura, I can make my spells have that aura. (Power 4)
  • Learn Spell. Once I have successfully studied a spell, I can use it to teach it to myself as a schtick, giving myself the 1x cost for having a teacher; I pay normal price for Concept cost. (Power 10)

EP Usage

  • Earned: 1285
  • Spent: 1267
  • Available: 18

Skill Data


Skill Cost/Rank Ranks Cost
Acting 3 5 15
Alertness 4 5 20
Animal Handling 2 5 10
Appraisal 2 5 10
Architecture 2 5 10
Art Appreciation 1 5 5
Art Collector 1 5 5
Athletics 5 5 25
Bargaining 3 6 18
Battle Magic 4 5 20
Blades 5 1 5
Boating 2 5 10
Bribery 2 5 10
Bureaucracy 2 10 20
Carousing 3 3 9
Chi Mastery 3 1 3
Conversation 5 5 25
Cooking 1 4 4
Cryptography 2 1 2
Dancing 1 3 3
Death Checks 2 5 10
Demon Mastery 5 20 100
Detect Lie 4 2 8
Dispel Magic 3 5 15
Dodge 5 5 25
Dreamwalking 2 1 2
Fast Talk 4 5 20
First Aid 3 5 15
Gather Information 4 5 20
Heraldry 2 1 2
High Society 3 3 9
Horse Mastery 4 7 28
Inscrutable 3 5 15
Interrogation 3 5 15
Intimidation 2 5 10
Jewelsmith 2 1 2
KS: Artifacts 3 5 15
KS: Bear Mountain 2 1 2
KS: Butterfly Kingdom 2 1 2
KS: Flowers 1 1 1
KS: Forest of Chin 2 1 2
KS: Hidden City 2 1 2
KS: Honeth Arcade 2 1 2
KS: Illuminated Precincts 2 1 2
KS: Jade Taiga 2 1 2
KS: Life Magic 3 5 15
KS: Metal 1 5 5
KS: Myeong Clan 1 1 1
KS: Necromancy 3 4 12
KS: Phoenixes 1 2 2
KS: Post-Death 4 5 20
KS: Qin Chao Steppes 2 1 2
KS: Recurring NPCs 5 1 5
KS: Roof of the World 2 1 2
KS: Savanna of Tears 2 1 2
KS: Shrouded Isle 2 1 2
KS: Sorcerors 2 5 10
KS: Southern Barbarians 3 3 9
KS: Strand 2 1 2
KS: Spirit/Demon World 5 5 25
KS: Twelve Kingdoms 3 2 6
KS: Witchcraft 3 1 3
Language: Senatali 1 8 8
Language: Torghut 1 8 8
Magical Analysis 5 20 100
Magical Ritual 5 7 35
Meditation 2 1 2
Memory 3 5 15
Metalsmith (Broad) 4 4 16
Military Organization 3 1 3
Necromancy 4 1 4
Persuasion 4 5 20
Philosophy 2 5 10
Recruitment 3 1 3
Research 3 5 15
Scrounging ("extra broad") 5 1 5
Sculpture 1 4 4
Sense Motive 4 5 20
Shadow Magic 4 5 20
Shadowing 3 1 3
Sleight of Hand 3 1 3
Sorcery 4 25 100
Stealth 4 5 20
Stonecutting 1 3 3
Strategy 4 5 20
Streetwise 3 1 3
Strong Willed 3 5 15
Survival 3 5 15
Swords 4 2 8
Tactics 3 5 15
Tea Ceremonies 1 3 3
Teaching 2 5 10
Use Fireworks 2 4 8
Wear Metal Armor 3 20 60
Total 1252

Inherent Skills (Max 5)

  • Athletics
  • Dodge
  • Persuasion
  • Blades

SP Usage

  • Earned: 1275
  • Spent: 1252
  • Available: 23

Planned expenditures:

  • TBD


Karma: 14/81

Money: 6 tael, 12.24 li

Special ability: Can create arbitrary loopholes in the rules for Northern Wall crossing if I am personally present.

My pet phoenix: 炮, aka cannon/explosive/bomb (pronounced 'pow'). Referred to colloquially as 小 炮 ("Shao Pao" = "little cannon").

My metal horse: 金眼, jìn yǎn, aka Golden Eye.

  • Intelligent: Can follow moderately complex orders
  • Durable: Can self-heal nearly any non-massive damage
  • Combat Prowess: Can attack independently in combat
  • Fast
  • Courier Horseshoes: Extra speed once/run and puttering one country further away

Returned to the Myeong Clan:

  • Ugly Tiger breastplate (3 resistance), -2 charisma if not dark
  • Ugly Tiger helm (+1 resistance for head attacks, face obscured), -2 charisma, if not dark
  • Ugly Tiger sword
  • Ugly Tiger saddle
  • Ugly Tiger tabard

Active Puttering Threads:

Info pages:

Completed Puttering Threads:

Metamagic schtick tower ideas:

  • Buff Magic (target gets -difficulty for spells)
  • Debuff Magic (target gets +difficulty for spells)
  • Wall or Dome of Magic (magic cannot cross, maybe roll vs Chi?)
  • Counterspell?
  • Schtick which which would act like RM Spell Mastery?
  • Spontaneous ritual design/modification

Spouse schick tower ideas:

  • None, at the moment