Greenmarket, 2008-05-20

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An introductory putter, in which the rule of 'no spending points during action' is waived.

Max, Adara, and Blaze, plus guest star Joe the Random Carrot Salesman.

In which an argument breaks out between two farmers in the Greenmarket. Blaze attempts to divert the arguers from their argument, while Adara watches and Max rants about prophetic carrots. Joe the Random Carrot Salesman accuses one of the farmers of selling Joe's carrots, and there are general accusations of Dannel's vegetables not all belonging to him.

Blaze manages to intimidate/persuade Dannel to give Joe back his carrots in the name of neighbors sticking together, but the rest of the vegetables get redistributed randomly, as other stallholders decide that it's Dannel-gives-away-vegetables day. Joe and Blaze keep the other farmers from taking Dannel's legitimate potatoes. Max is distressed about bloody carrots and claims that people who eat the redistributed vegetables will have blood on their...guts, but no one seems to pay much attention to this.

(Meanwhile, Adara and Blaze have made each other's acquaintance.)

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