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:[[Word of the Dragon]]
==Talk to Dragon==
:[[Pairwise Alignment]]
'''Friday, July 11'''
:Eon Rob Derrick Charles Drew
:[[Bidding War]]
:[[Panda Trail]]
:[[Mini Mammoths]]
:[[Demon Hunt]]
==Mission for Willow's Boss==
[[Book Six|<--]]
'''Wednesday, July 16'''
[[Book Seven|-->]]
:Charles Jerry Brian Elizabeth
[[Category: Minirun Logs|6]]
==Defeat or repurpose the Demon of Animal Cruelty==
Can we send it north of the Wall? [[User:Haydn|Haydn]] ([[User talk:Haydn|talk]]) 08:13, 20 June 2014 (EDT)
I think sending it to be cruel to someone else's animals is not the point, but if going north of the wall denatures it in some way then that's a good idea.  --[[User:HeidiB|HeidiB]] ([[User talk:HeidiB|talk]]) 21:45, 22 June 2014 (EDT)
*Lijuan (Interested, but prepared to handle this during puttering.)
==Politics with supporters of the Bear Emperor==
*Lijuan  (Not all that interested, but unlikely to deal with during puttering.)
* Kasumi
==Six Strength Sea Serpent==
*Lijuan  (Woo!  But this could happen during a run.)
==Reconnaissance Against the North==
We think another invasion is coming.  We should see if we can find out more, probe their defenses, etc.
*Wei Han
*<s>Takanata (Especially if it involves talking to Wolf/Wolf's team)</s>
==Mastering the White Pagoda's Senchi Chamber==
What is the Senchi Chamber, and why would one want to master it?
*Master Zhou
*Xiao Fa
*Lijuan (but only if the minirun will benefit from a comedic sidekick.)
*Min Feng? (maybe)
==Help Min Feng and Xiao Fa have a date!==
*Cai Wen (Good dates don't just happen.  They're carefully designed by your friends.)
* Kasumi
==Go shopping==
*Li Merit
*Deng? (Not sure what level of shopping, but Deng can use more stuff)
* Kasumi
==Find Minions==
Everyone needs good minions.
* Li Merit
*Min Feng?
==Deal with Bandit Troubles in the northern Arcade==
Since the mercenary House fell on hard times, the northern part of the Arcade has had troubles with trade routes.  Magpie might give us some consideration for improving that situation.
* Li Merit
* Shen Wei Han
* Cai Wen
* Deng
* Anto
==Contact Shrouded Isle Shtick Sources==
Li Merit has an agreement with one of their spy networks for an introduction to three shtick sources in exchange for information on the blockage schedule that we gave them a long, long time ago.
We just get introductions.  Convincing the sources that they want to teach stuff is up to us.
*Li Merit
* Kasumi
==Find Kawaii==
Kawaii was left alone with the remnants of the Kali/Maya ritual.  Where is she now?  Hilarity ensues.
*Lijuan (This is going to be funny.  Share the joke?)
*Kasumi (this will be great!)
*Shuyan (pandas, yay!)
==Deal with the Son of the Moon==
...because Takanata told Yanyu to jump under that bus
*Min Feng?  (Xiao Fa & Kuan Xi, want to come??)
Heidi/Lijuan:  Unavailable Sundays, Wednesdays, and Mondays after Dragon parity Saturdays.
Derrick/Shen-Ji: Most days except Thursdays
Robert/Wei Han: Unavailable Mondays and Thursdays after Dragon parity Saturdays, some Sundays; others subject to childcare arrangements.
Charles/Takanata: Ugh.  Well, most of my regular conflicts are a tabletop that one or both of the gms is in, so assume I'm busy all of those times, and probably not busy other times if you give me a week or two of notice.
Jerry: Available some Wednesdays (co-ordinated with Charles), and Mondays if necessary.  Also Friday+Weekend is generally available.
Mike: FLG June 28-July 4; ALB July 18-July 20; Chile July 22-August 2
Kurgan: Interested in joining remotely if it can work, but scheduling is hard.  Given timezones it probably has to be a weekend, and the first one I have free is 7/20.  7/27 is good, 7/26 maybe, 8/2 good.  I put my name under some favorites above, but free to throw me in any minirun if the schedule works and you think has a reasonable role for Anto with the limits of Skype (combat might be awkward).  Don't hold off for me if it can't work out, though.
Tom: Can join remotely; probably won't be able to make it out to Boston, with the possible exception of the weekend of 7/26, but I'm not positive on that yet.  Best skype/g+ hangout times are Saturday afternoons after 3, and Sunday afternoons before 6.  Weekday evenings: Tuesday 7/22, Thursday 7/24, Tuesday 7/29.  Not sure about early August yet, but assume nothing until 8/13, for now.
Meg:  Advanced warning to setup childcare is helpful.  Free all evenings and weekends EXCEPT Sat 7/26, Fri 8/8, sat 8/9, sun 8/10, wed 8/20, labor day weekend
Kate: Not July 25-27, not when Andrew has a prior commitment (e.g. charles' run or pete's run) unless it is at my house.

Latest revision as of 19:06, 1 October 2015

Word of the Dragon
Pairwise Alignment
Bidding War
Panda Trail
Mini Mammoths
Demon Hunt

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