Book Eight Miniruns

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Among the possible miniruns: (though suggest what you'd like)

  • Salon in the Illuminated Precincts. This will be to finish the last of the favors on Chochiro's list. (Shen-Ji will participate if needed but would prefer to do other ones, Cai Wen, Xiao Fa possible, Lijuan, Takanata if need be, Min Feng)
  • Puttering with urchins and dealing with Bobby Li. (Lijuan, Shuyan)
  • Fox vs. Coyote grudge match. (Lijuan, Takanata, Shuyan, Cai Wen)
  • Visiting the Countess and possibly the Sun (Master Zhou, Lijuan)
  • Talk to Hayato about a new Peace of the Lake ritual (Yanyu, Xiao Fa possible-although I think this is more putter-y than minirun-y)
  • Get favors from four southern Dragon Army commanders (Southwest, Southeast, Highway, and Construction) plus the Bearers of Swift Response so that they will ask Da-Xie to voluntarily undergo the ritual to "fix" her. See Expatriatism log for more info. (Shen-Ji, Cai Wen if necessary, Lijuan)
  • Get favors from one or more Regents. We can always use these given the plots we are involved these days; Shen-Ji specifically needs some to help the exiles from Expatriatism. (Shen-Ji, Cai Wen, Lijuan)
  • Get a rock from the throne room. (Could be done as puttering?) (Xiao Fa possible-I *don't* think this is putter-y, due to peril, but could be wrong, Takanata, Min Feng, Shuyan)
  • Shopping (Min Feng, Shuyan)
  • Deal with the Black Duke (Min Feng)
  • Regime change at the House of Gainful Protection (Xian, Deng)

Lijuan would cheerfully join any of these except "get a rock" or "new Peace of the Lake ritual".

Takanata supports doing the Salon, and will be there if he needs to be, but it's not what he's most interested in. If the Fox vs. Coyote grudge match happens, he'd like to be there, but I'm not pushing for it to happen. He's psyched for getting a rock. He's ok with the others, except for Bobby Li.

Wei Han will join whatever he'd be useful for, given his current status.

Xiao Fa has indicated the three he's most interested in, but he's happy to be slotted in wherever.

Shuyan has indicated the ones she's interested in, but will be happy to do anything.

Deng is happy to come along with any if people think he'd be useful for it, or just to come along. Tagged one above, but don't have to do that one.

Logs will be here eventually

Book Eight