Zhu Cai-Wen

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Cai-Wen is in his late 20s. He's often seen in the company of a pretty woman, who is often cooing over his pet ferret. He is also often seen gambling.

Cai-Wen does not maintain a little black book, but an ever-growing list of names might be contained therein if such a book did exist.

He speaks respectfully (and carefully) of a Madame Song, from The Hidden Orchid, a flower house in the Harbor of Fortunate Arrival.

Cai-Wen is pursued by ninja from the House of the Night Blade, in the Port of Auspicious Voyage. They initially hoped to capture him and trade him for their master, who was captured in Of Cabbages and Coins. Now it's an eternal grudge match!

Cai-Wen is now the Ringmaster of the Silken Wings Circus, following the promotion of Ringmaster Te to noble rank.


Cai-Wen is of course a master of gambling games.

He has given pages of Duplicating Paper to the following (always keeping the other page for himself):


Physical Mental Spiritual
Body Reflexes Mind Social Tao
Force/Offense Strength = 3 Accuracy = 5 Intelligence = 11 Charisma = 11 Yang = 10
Precision/Defense Resistance = 3 Dexterity = 5 Wit = 11 Grace = 11 Yin = 10
Reserve Health = 5 Energy = 5 Resolve = 7 Status = 11 Chi = 10
Hit Points HP = (Health + Energy) * 5 = 50
Move Move = (Strength + Energy) / 2 = 4


(frequency * power = cost)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

  • Lucky (3*7 = 15) ... A tweaked version of "Lucky", for Chi instead of Yang
  • Harmless Look II (6*4 = 24) ... Source: The Hidden Orchid
  • Know The Score (5*4 = 20) ... Source: Willow

Level 5

Extra Wacky Shtick Tower

Master Shticks

  • Automatic Upgrade
  • Seat At The Table


 3 Acting                              (x3 = 9)
 2 Administration                      (x2 = 4)
 3 All Politics                        (x5 = 15)
 2 Animal Handling                     (x2 = 4)
 1 Bargaining                          (x3 = 3)
 3 Blades                              (x5 = 15)
 6 Bluff                               (x3 = 18)
 1 Bribery                             (x2 = 2)
10 Bureaucracy                         (x2 = 20)
 4 Calligraphy                         (x1 = 4)
 2 Carousing                           (x3 = 6)
 4 Horse Mastery                       (x4 = 16)
 4 Conversation                        (x5 = 20)
 4 Conversational Interrogation        (x3 = 12)
 4 Conversational Persuasion           (x3 = 12)
 4 Conversational Dodge                (x3 = 12)
 1 Cooking                             (x1 = 1)
 1 Cryptography                        (x2 = 2)
 3 Dagger                              (x3 = 9)
 4 Dancing                             (x1 = 4)
 6 Detective                           (x5 = 30)
10 Dodge                               (x5 = 50)
 1 Dreamwalking                        (x2 = 2)
 4 Eye for Detail                      (x1 = 4)
 4 Fast Talk                           (x4 = 16)
 1 First Aid                           (x3 = 3)
 2 Foraging (all)                      (x5 = 10)
20 Gambling                            (x2 = 40)
12 Gather Information                  (x4 = 48)
10 High Society                        (x3 = 30)
 1 Intelligence Analysis               (x5 = 5)
 1 Interrogation                       (x3 = 3)
 8 KS: Circus                          (x1 = 8)
 2 KS: Dragon Army                     (x2 = 4)
 1 KS: Flowers                         (x1 = 1)
 3 KS: Gamblers                        (x1 = 3)
 1 KS: Geishas                         (x2 = 2)
 3 KS: Hidden City                     (x2 = 6)
 2 KS: Hon'eth Arcade                  (x2 = 4)
 8 KS: Jade Taiga                      (x2 = 16)
 3 KS: Northern Barbarians             (x3 = 9)
 5 KS: Parties                         (x1 = 5)
 3 KS: Southern Barbarians             (x3 = 9)
 5 KS: Recurring NPCs                  (x5 = 25)
 2 KS: The Party                       (x2 = 4)
12 Language: Senatali                  (x1 = 12)
10 Language: Torghut                   (x1 = 10)
 3 Law (12 Kingdoms)                   (x2 = 6)
 3 Leadership                          (x3 = 9)
 2 Learning                            (x2 = 4)
 1 Magic Ritual                        (x5 = 5)
 1 Meditation                          (x2 = 2)
 4 Memory                              (x3 = 12)
 4 Negotiation                         (x3 = 12)
 5 Oratory                             (x3 = 15)
 1 Pai-Gow Face                        (x3 = 3)
 2 Passive Perception: Babes           (x2 = 4)
20 Passive Perception                  (x4 = 80)
12 Persuasion                          (x4 = 48)
 1 Precision Throwing                  (x5 = 5)
 4 Propaganda                          (x2 = 8)
 4 Psychology                          (x4 = 16)
 2 Savoir Faire                        (x2 = 4)
 1 Seduction Resistance                (x1 = 1)
 6 Seduction                           (x2 = 12)
 3 Sense Motive                        (x4 = 12)
 3 Showmanship                         (x2 = 6)
 1 Stealth                             (x4 = 4)
 2 Streetwise                          (x3 = 6)
 5 Strong Willed                       (x3 = 15)
 2 Survival                            (x3 = 6)
 1 Swimming                            (x1 = 1)
 3 Tactics                             (x3 = 9)
 4 Unarmed Combat                      (x3 = 12)
10 Use Fireworks                       (x2 = 20)
 1 Use Magic Device                    (x2 = 2)
 4 Well Travelled                      (x4 = 16)
Total skill cost: 902 (29 left over)

Business Interests

Allies, Patrons, and those Aggrieved by Lucky Chang


  • Madame Song -- Cai Wen's first patron, who trained him and sent him after Lucky Chang. Lives in the Harbor of Fortunate Arrival.
  • Malkoha -- A Master Gambler who was Defeated by Lucky Chang. Cai Wen hopes to help her regain her honor. Lives in Harbor of Fortunate Arrival.


  • Zhao Feiyan -- AKA The Pearl of the Taiga. Holds the Fox Talisman. Lives in the City of Spires.
  • Commander Sun -- Commander of the South-East region of the Dragon Army, based in the City of Light. Generally interested in Kali's plans against the Empire.
  • Commander Yao -- Commander of the North-East region of the Dragon Army, based in Daizhou. Succeeded Lo Ping due to our intervention in the commander mechanic.


Aggrieved by Lucky Chang:

  • Boyuan Chashui -- Once scammed and lost her tea house; now 7/12 owner of the Cup of Five Virtues. Lives in the Port of Propitious Voyage.
  • Broken Sword -- Avenging his father's humiliation. He wanders the land.


Immediate things:

Routine things:

  • Collect samples of water from the farthest reaches of the empire, for the Duplicating Paper ritual.
  • Keep the Circus in one piece.

Mid- and Longer-term:

  • Figure out what Kali's new plan is and thwart it.
  • Do the Horse Race again next year. Lac Vinh is engaged to run it again.
  • Encompass the ruin of Lucky Chang.


From Sakushi

I require that you thwart Kali, her ends and her actions, her plans and her people, until she and hers go howling back to their own den and trouble this land no longer.