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  • Everyone starts with an Urbanity equal to their Personal/Social.
  • One may spend Urbanity to ask a favor of someone else.
    • The favor must be phrased in a way appropriate to the relative rank of the two parties: one begs a boon of a higher-ranking person; one idly hints to a lower ranking person that one would most pleased if something were to happen. (In the event that the relative ranks are mistaken, such as if someone was in disguise, then hilarity might well ensue later when it all comes out.)
    • The favor must be requested in a way as to allow a number of different interpretations. For example, "Can you loan me a hundred gold?" only allows for one solution; "My landlord, he is such a cad, and I do not have the rent money, o woe!" allows more of a variety; the favor-doer could give or loan the money, or could blackmail the landlord, or could find a position that came with room and board. Phrasings which allow for particularly interesting misinterpretations are ideal.
    • The amount of Urbanity spent should generally be relative to the importance of the favor asked. One urbanity is for the most minimal of favors ("I am so thirsty!"); "Declare me heir to the kingdom" would be about fifty.
  • When a favor is asked of someone, their options are to refuse it (which costs them twice the originally spent Urbanity), or grant it (which gains them twice the originally spent Urbanity). Granting it need not take place at the party, but should cause a plan to go on that person's to-do list. (As mentioned above, there should be a reasonably wide range of things which would qualify as granting any given favor; exactly which version is being undertaken need not be confessed in advance.)
  • One may go negative by refusing; people who are negative may not spend Urbanity, but may still do favors to earn it back.
  • Yes, you can do mutual favors to buff your urbanity. However, please limit yourselves to one round of buffing before going back out to engage with people you don't trust. I leave it to you to decide which category any particular interaction counts as.
  • Towards the end of any conversation, one may enquire "is there anything I can do for you?" / "I am at your disposal, of course" or similar phrases. In such a case, the opposite person is explicitly invited to ask a favor. If they decline to do so, both people lose one urbanity for general lameness.
    • This gambit cannot be used by someone who is at negative urbanity, nor can it be used against them.
    • I recommend flagging this sort of invitation with a [!] in your email. People shouldn't be accidentally losing urbanity because they didn't realize something was an invitation. (You won't miss an actual favor, because it has to say something like [spend 2 urbanity])
  • Leaving the party with negative urbanity is bad for your reputation. Leaving the party with a higher urbanity than you started is good for your reputation. (But leaving the party with favors you wanted is better!)
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