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Points follow the basic Oath/Comet/Conflux paradigm, with skill points and EPs (which can be spent on stats and shticks). Shticks can be basic, or talent-based, and will cost [breadth]*[power] (no shtick tax). Stats cost N EPs to go from N-1 to N. Building flaws into your shticks can make them cheaper, but are not otherwise required. Shticks must be in character, and character concepts will start fairly narrow; expanding your character concept may involve adding more flaws / plot hooks. We'll start with a pruned Oath skill list, but it's fair game to add new coherent skills. (Talents are generally 3 point skills)

For stats:

Body Mind Social Weird
Push Strength/Attack Discovering/Making Charisma
Pull Toughness/Dodge Remembering/Noticing Will
Personal Hit Points Knowledge Smarts/Status

Push is how you affect the world: convincing it of things, punching it in the nose, turning it into a frog. Pull is how you deal with how the world affects you: interpreting it, dodging it, perceiving it, resisting it. Personal is your own store of the whatever-it-is: hit points, education, savvy. Anything that wears you down comes off of your Personal.

You don't start out with a Weird stat; you must first buy a shtick in having the stat, as a prerequisite to buying shticks which run off of that stat. Having more than one Weird stat definitely requires a concept expansion. Plausible Weird stats would be Mana (magic), Soul (divine), and something for Fae types.

Substats start at 5 (except for Weird, which starts at 0). There is no stat cap, and you may sell back stats. However, neither Pull nor Push should get to be more than twice Personal in a stat category. (Mechanics that involve generating a fortune die pool will often run of of Personal for the appropriate stat.)

Starting Characters

Characters start with 100 skill points and 100 eps. All their shticks should fit in a reasonably narrow character concept, though particularly wussy shticks may be permitted to stray, as would things that seem like "everyman" shticks ("I have a spiffy best friend"). Buying shticks with a power or breadth greater than 5 may be permitted, but will likely require prerequisite shticks.

Characters should also start out with a Tragic Flaw (this can be a physical or psychological disadvantage, or a past decision that seems likely to come back to haunt you).

Getting Bigger

For every week in which you do something, you get 1 ep and 2 skill points. (Subject to change as time goes by). Try not to spend your points in the middle of an action.


Cookies will be given out for player contributions, such as writing up run summaries. You may spend a cookie on:

  • A reroll for your character
  • Adding your Personal substat to the stat you're about to roll (like adding your fortune)
  • Declaring that a particular not-particularly-relevant thing randomly turns out the way you'd like (like making a fortune check)

Those who are keen on complicated mechanics should keep track of the cookie flavors they pick up, and may trade cookies amongst themselves, or open cookie investment funds, or whatever they like. :)

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