Bian Meiling

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The newest headliner in the Silken Wings Circus, silk dancer Bian Meiling was recruited in the Hidden City, where she comes from an Ivory trade house. She organized the circus performers to get higher salaries; this arrangement has also resulted in their being willing to sometimes assist with missions or teach shticks.


Level 1 shticks:

  • Appraise Silk: Instantly identify the special properties of anything made of silk. Freq 2, Power 3.
  • Frequent Shopper: Receive a 25 percent clothing purchases. Freq 2, Power 3.
  • Silk Bonus: Your "Silk Bonus" is equal to the fair market value of all of the silk on your person (in tael). Freq 6, Power 1.
  • Silk Fingers: + Silk Bonus DEX dice for fine manipulation when wearing silken gloves. Freq 2, Power 3.
  • Silken Servant: A bolt of silk will carry you up. (Slow flight at Silk Bonus Hexes until end of scene). Freq 3, Power 2.

Level 2 shticks:

  • Finely Shaped Silk: Make a small amount of silk shape as you wish. (+ Silk Bonus to lockpicking and other small-tool-related skills). Freq 3, Power 3.
  • Silk Dancer: + Silk Bonus Dice to Dancing Rolls. Freq 5, Power 2.
  • Silk Dancer: + Silk Bonus Dice to Dancing Rolls. Freq 5, Power 2.
  • Silken Pouch: Money carried on your person can not be detected or removed by anyone else unless you are stripped of all silk first. Freq 6, Power 2.

Level 3 shticks:

  • Iron Fist... : +Silk bonus ACC dice in hand to hand combat when wearing silken gloves. Freq 5, Power 3.
  • ... in the Silk Glove: +Silk bonus DEX dice in hand to hand combat when wearing silken gloves. Freq 5, Power 3.
  • Slippery as Silk: Add Silk Bonus dice to all dodges. Freq 5, Power 3.

Level 4 shticks:

  • Stunning in Silk: Add Silk Bonus dice to conversational and seduction rolls. Freq 5, Power 4.
  • Silken Bonds: Ranged Grab Attack. Use your Accuracy dice plus Silk Bonus. Freq 4, Power 6.

Level 5 shticks:

  • Silken Wick: Allow at least 1 tael of silk on your person to be destroyed to ignore full damage from any fire based attack. Freq 4, Power 7.

Outside Tower

  • Key to the City: A bureaucrat on staff will meet you at the gate of the Dragon's Throne and carry your keys and aid you (Ivory and below). Freq 2, Power 7.
  • Wealth: I don't have to keep track of the first 99 li per run. Freq 2, Power 5.
  • Reputation: Powerful Ivory House. Freq 2, Power 3.