Connections Readings

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(Underlines, crossouts, and italicized words added by the I Ching)


From Ghost Hunters:

  1. Passing beyond the Wall separates you from the Empire somehow.
  2. The Chancellery is aware of that.
  3. Inspector Ando is a chancellery spy, watching for people who cross the Wall.
  4. There are shapeshifters beyond the wall.
  5. Inspector Ando wants the Chancellery warned that the circus needs to be dealt with.
  6. The Circus did not bring anything dangerous back across the wall that Ando needs to worry about that it did not take there.

From Puttering between Ghost Hunters and Alike in Dignity:

  1. The assassins of Ti Lao were sent by a foreign liege.
  2. The ninja assassin was using a poison which causes a long, lingering death, rather than a swift, immediate one.
  3. A merchant from the Strand with a history as an anonymous go-between for various deals was available with a cure for the poison the next day.
  4. The royal family of the Savanna of Tears was involved in the creation of the Fleet that began blockading the Butterfly Kingdom within days of the poisoning attempt.
  5. Both the "assassination attempt" and the blockade are elements of the same plan. "Your pen hovers over this, touching it a few times, but you do not cross it out."
  6. Both the "assassination attempt" and the blockade are attempts to gain leverage over the Butterfly Kingdom, rather than to destroy it.

Interpret Omens on the pen hovering indicates there is some conflict between the blockade and the plan, and that it is likely that the kings responsible don't realize they're furthering a single plan.

From Puttering between Alike in Dignity and The Price of Good Fortune

  1. The southerners recently attempted to attack the Chi of the Empire.
  2. The Chi of the Empire flows, at least in part, through the Imperial Highways.
  3. There are no Imperial Highways in the Butterfly Kingdom.
  4. The Butterfly Kingdom is part of the Chi of the Empire.
  5. One purpose of the Blockade is to cut the Butterfly Kingdom off from the Chi of the Empire.
  6. The Circus was separated from the Chi of the Empire when it landed in the North, and has not fully reconnected to it. You draw a sort of squiggly half-hearted line through this part.

From The Price of Good Fortune:

  1. The Tael circulating in the Hon'eth Arcade is generating Chi flows.
  2. The play will be a giant ritual to refocus these flows.
  3. The playwrights plan to focus that power into the arts of the Hon'eth Arcade.
  4. The people currently benefiting from the power of the Chi flows don't know it is going to be redirected. "You draw a light squiggle over 'don't know'"
  5. The "magpie" knows the Chi flow's power is going to be redirected and plans to redirect it to his own advantage.
  6. We would be less pleased if the magpie succeeds than if the playwrights succeed.

From Puttering between The Price of Good Fortune and Dream Eater

  1. A ninja attacked Cai Wen in the Port of Auspicious Voyage, and arranged for a coin bearing Lucky Chang's symbol to be slipped into Wei Han's purse.
  2. When Cai Wen next visited the Port of Auspicious Voyage, a group of ninja attacked him, believing that their honor was at stake.
  3. This group of ninjas preferred to capture Cai Wen if possible.
  4. We have met one of those ninja before.
  5. Madame Song and Lucky Chang have had some sort of conflict in the past.
  6. Lucky Chang is one of the most powerful gamblers in the Empire. "You tap 'powerful' a couple of times with your brush, and decide that it's correct."

From Ship of Gold

  1. Her Majesty, Ti Wren, sent three of the Treasures of the Butterfly Kingdom with the Prince to the Illuminated Precincts
  2. She told the Prince to give them to the Savanna to arrange the end of the Blockade. "You tap the crossed-out bit a few times, unsure"
  3. A palace servant arrived on the fog-bound ship from the Butterfly Kingdom before the Prince's ship to arrange the theft & replacement of the Treasures.
  4. The replacement would probably have sparked the blockade into a war.
  5. The Servant acted without the knowledge of the Queen.
  6. The fog-bound ship is acting at the direction of the Shadowed Isle

From Puttering between Ship of Gold and Substitutions

Various speculations that were too unrelated to get an answer.

From Puttering between Substitutions and The Coil

  1. The Butterfly Kingdom is aligned with the spirit of the Butterfly.
  2. Iron Mountain is aligned with the spirit of the Bear.
  3. The Hon'eth Arcade is aligned with the spirit of the Magpie.
  4. The Shrouded Isle is aligned with the spirit of the Phoenix.
  5. The Savanna of Tears is aligned with the spirit of the Tiger.
  6. The Strand is alliedaligned with the spirit of the Snake.

From Puttering between The Coil and Fire and Ice

  1. The Hidden City is aligned with the Spirit of the Fox.
  2. The Forest of Chin is aligned with the Spirit of the Spider.
  3. The Jade Taiga is aligned with the Spirit of the Monkey.
  4. The Illuminated Precincts is aligned with the Spirit of the Tortoise.
  5. The Roof of the World is aligned with the Spirit of the Crane.
  6. The Qin Chao Steppes is aligned with the Spirit of the Dog.

There are not enough true facts here for a valid reading.

From Fire and Ice

  1. The Chi of the Southern Wall flows east to the Ocean.
  2. The Chi of the Northern Wall flows west to the mountains.
  3. Each Wall has a guardian who returns associated with it.
  4. The Pass of the Five Elements lies in Iron Mountain.
  5. The Pass of the Five Elements has a guardian who returns associated with it.
  6. Chi flows North through the Ocean and South through Iron Mountain.

From Puttering between Fire and Ice and Four Brothers

  1. Mola Ram has been involved in two grand rituals designed to damage the Chi of the Empire.
  2. The first was on the Day of the Dog, the second was on the Day of the Phoenix.
  3. They have both failed at their original purpose, but have been turned into the first two steps of an even larger ritual to damage Chi.
  4. Both the Yin and the Yang have been invoked for the super-large ritual.
  5. Mola Ram's next grand ritual inside the Empire will require 5 powerful spirits representing each of the 5 elements.
  6. Mola Ram's next grand ritual inside the Empire will not occur until at least the Day of the Dog.

From Puttering between Four Brothers and Whispered Secrets

  1. Both of Mola Ram's grand rituals to damage the Chi of the Empire have involved Shadows.
  2. Both have required the capture of Teng Hanako.
  3. The purpose of the first was to damage the Chi of the Empire by moving the memory of light away from the shadow. You draw some little decorative swirls around "moving the memory of light away from the shadow"
  4. The purpose of the second was to either damage the Chi of the Empire directly, or trigger Teng Hiroki as the invocation of the Yang for an even larger ritual.
  5. Mola Ram's next grand ritual in the Empire will use shadows and seek to invoke one of the five elements, to either damage the Chi of the Empire directly or continue his even larger ritual.
  6. Mola Ram's next grand ritual in the Empire will require a tie to the Teng twins in its manner of invoking the elements.

You paint over the last two with a delicate grey wash. You think that, as things which have not yet happened and may not be decided yet to happen exactly in a particular way, they are not sufficiently fixed to count as either true facts or false facts.

From Whispered Secrets

None, 'cause I was lame.

From Puttering between Whispered Secrets and Book of Five Rings

  1. Cartogramancy is a branch of sorcery that is believed by many sorcerors to be extinct.
  2. The gentleman who directed the Army Captain to rebuild the Imperial Highway and hire bandits to kidnap Father Chen was a Cartogramancer.
  3. The same compass rose is on the Hunter's Map for finding Zhu Cai-Wen and the map given to the Chen siblings to possibly exchange treasure for their father.
  4. The purpose of rebuilding the Imperial Highway is to redirect Chi into the Cycle Spirits. You circle the terminal "s" and note it with a little question mark.
  5. Lucky Chang is involved in the plan to redirect Chi into the Cycle Spirits.
  6. The redirection of Chi is intended to reach completion on either the last day of the Year of the Fox, or the first day of the Year of the Spider.

From Puttering between Book of Five Rings and Bureaucracy for Beginners

  1. There is a conspiracy with a plan to redirect the Chi of the Empire into one or more of the Cycle Spirits, one step of which was the ritual to redirect the flows of Chi generated by the Tael in the Hon'eth Arcade.
  2. Lucky Chang and the Cartogramancer who kidnapped Father Chen are both members of this conspiracy.
  3. Hsu Verity and Namura Hayato were introduced to each other by a third party they did not wish to discuss.
  4. Hsu Verity hid a ring she had previously been wearing during the discussion of how she met Namura Hayato.
  5. Hsu Verity could identify at least one member of the conspiracy who is not Lucky Chang or the Cartogramancer who kidnapped Father Chen, if pressed.
  6. The Hon'eth Arcade chi-flow ritual benefited the Butterfly Spirit at the expense of the Spider and/or the Magpie. You draw a few squiggles between "ritual" and "benefited".

From Bureaucracy for Beginners

  1. The conspiracy to send Chi into one or more of the Cycle spirits wishes to change the Golden Spire.
  2. The Golden Spire contains a secret regarding what happens to people who leave the Empire.
  3. Changing the Golden Spire will destroy the secret.
  4. The Marked are a different conspiracy from the one wishing to change the Golden Spire.
  5. Master Long is a servant of the Marked.
  6. The Obsidian Warlord is a servant of the Marked.

From Puttering between Bureaucracy for Beginners and The Eternal Dream

  1. Machan Li is a servant of the Spider. You put quote marks around "Machan Li".
  2. Lucky Chang is a servant of the Spider.
  3. The Marked is a servant of the Spider. You tap this one with your brush, but aren't sure what to cross out. There's a mistake somewhere, but it's in the spaces between, not in the facts themselves.
  4. The Alchemist is a servant of the Spider.
  5. The Hunter is a servant of the Spider.
  6. Tai Lung is a servant of the Spider.

From Puttering between The Eternal Dream and Unwelcome Invitation

  1. The Empire has been ruled in a Spider-like fashion for most of the Great Cycle of the Spider.
  2. The Regency Council is largely figure-heads, manipulated by others who really run the government.
  3. Among those currently manipulating the Council are the Marked, the Alchemist, and the Hunter. You add a dot above the first comma making it more like a colon.
  4. One of the purposes of the conspiracy to redirect the Chi of the Empire into the Cycle Spirits is to strengthen Spider enough that this method of government continues. You tap this a few times, unsatisfied, but leave it alone.
  5. The Regency Council as a whole is not aware of the plan to redirect the Chi of the Empire into the Cycle Spirits.
  6. One of the purposes of hiding the History of the Empire is to make it seem that the way things are now is the way they have always been. You tap this one a few times too. Some of the words could be better, you think, but it's not strictly false.

From Unwelcome Invitation

  1. The courier does not know what will actually happen to the Circus if it is summoned to the Hidden City.
  2. If the courier is shipped to the Hon'eth Arcade, it will delay him long enough to get the Circus past the City of Light.
  3. If it looks like Hanako was kidnapped, no one will quickly associate the Circus with being responsible for the kidnapping.
  4. It will be Bad for the Circus to be summoned to the Hidden City.
  5. If we finish the Report Mechanic, it will protect the Circus from being summoned again.
  6. The courier will only bring one guardsman to the party.

(All basically true)

Between Unwelcome Invitation and Monarch Butterfly

  1. The Conspiracy to redirect Imperial Chi towards Spider/the Cycle Spirits is planning to move against the Butterfly Kingdom.
  2. In the past, the conspiracy arranged to strike down His Majesty, Ti Lao, in an attempt to gain leverage over the Butterfly Kingdom.
  3. The Conspiracy is in league with Spider and will find the turning of the cycle to the cycle of the spider auspicious.
  4. In other kingdoms, the conspiracy has attempted to attack major Feng Shui sites, such as the Golden Spire and the Green Pagoda.
  5. The Conspiracy will again strike at His Majesty, Ti Lao, at the beginning of the month of the Spider.
  6. The Conspiracy will strike at the Gardens of Harmonious Contemplation at the beginning of the month of the Spider.

This is insufficiently true.

From Monarch Butterfly

  1. The Original Cycle had a Dragon, instead of the Weaver of Webs.
  2. The Dragon survives.
  3. The Dragon is imprisoned in the World Above.
  4. The Weaver of Webs has one Marked for each leg.
  5. Min Feng's secret society is what the Obsidian Warlord hopes to keep trapped on the Phoenix's Hearth.
  6. One of us is a potential Dragon Emperor.

(All basically true.)

From Death Blossom

  1. Northern Furs are being brought over the wall.
  2. The furs sometimes come with seeds for Sweet-thorn attached.
  3. Sweet-thorn makes the dead more likely to walk.
  4. Someone is trying to spread the Sweet-thorn flowers.
  5. The furs are provided to the seamstress + the manager of the General Store by one or more Dragon Army soldiers
  6. Those soldiers are stationed in the next garrison to the west from here.

Between Zen Sinker Tour and On the River

  1. I am an artist.
  2. I am a student of the I Ching.
  3. I am trained in seeing the world around me and remembering it.
  4. I recently traveled to the World Above to assist in rescuing the spirit of Ti Lao.
  5. While I was there, one of the Marked, who is skilled in memory manipulation and obfuscation, tampered with my memory. You make some half-hearted scratches through "tampered with" (Interpret Omens says that's "it wasn't an active thing, it was hitting an automatic defense").
  6. While I was there, none of the Marked tampered with my memory.

From On the River

  1. The Lady of the Jasmine River is in danger from the Southrons.
  2. Sage Xuetu is attempting to find her name.
  3. The Southrons have a cage to hold her if they summon her.
  4. The cage is in or near the City of Light.
  5. The cryptomancer has a way to contact the Southrons once Sage Xuetu discovers her name.
  6. The cryptomancer could discover where the cage is.

Between On the River and Sands of Blood

  1. Lucky Chang and the Mastermind Formerly Known As Machan Li are both allies and rivals.
  2. Some of the Marked hope to be made Emperor.
  3. "Machan Li" did not arrange the war between the Savannah of Tears and the Forest of Chin.
  4. The Gardens of Harmonious Contemplation are the keystone of the Marked's plan to change the Butterfly Kingdom.
  5. Lucky Chang's acquisition of the Red Pagoda was the keystone of the Marked's plan to change Bear Mountain.
  6. The principal method for changing Bear Mountain was not a [Magic] Ritual.

Between Sands of Blood and Serpent's Egg

  1. Prince Ti Jun argued for dealing with the trader Machan Li sent to the Butterfly Kingdom to sell the cure for King Ti Lao.
  2. Prince Ti Jun was reluctant to pay the Savanna the Butterfly Kingdom's Treasures, and failure to pay would likely have resulted in a war with the Savanna. You cross out "resulted in a war" in light strokes unsure about the phrasing.
  3. Prince Ti Jun is a treasure of the Butterfly Kingdom.

At this point, the great horns blow announcing that the end of Conclave has come. The gates of the city are therefore opened. You stand, as the party will want to leave soon, and accidentally knock over the inkwell, before recalling that you were in the middle of something. The rest of the page is obliterated.

  1. Prince Ti Jun had an important conversation with Duke Huang and the King of the Taiga in the City of Spires on the Day of the Early Spider in the First Year of the Spider in the Second Cycle of the Spider in the Grand Cycle of the Spider.
  2. The Marked have guarded Prince Ti Jun's future.
  3. The Marked plan to use Prince Ti Jun to rename the Butterfly Kingdom.

From Serpent's Egg

  1. Ni Cheng wished to place her heart in a Dragon's Egg.
  2. A Dragon's Egg will be needed to restore the Dragon Emperors.
  3. Xue is charged by the Serpent to guard a Dragon's Egg.
  4. If we keep Ni Cheng's heart out of the Dragon's Egg, the restoration of the Dragon Emperors is more likely.
  5. The Marked want to destroy Dragons' Eggs.
  6. Xue is part of a Secret Serpent Order opposed to the Marked.

This is insufficiently true.

Between Serpent's Egg and Travelling with the Butterfly Prince: Part I

  1. When I read the I Ching of the Viridian Queen, it placed two paths before her.
  2. The Viridian Queen has been sending emissaries to her neighboring countries.
  3. Sending emissaries to neighboring countries is on the path of the Queen of Whispers, not the Daughter of Silence.
  4. The emissaries being sent by the Viridian Queen are likely to result in strife.
  5. The Viridian Queen is receiving advice, directly or indirectly, from the Marked, resulting in her sending out the emissaries.
  6. The Viridian Queen is not knowingly allied with the Marked in their plan to rename the countries.

Between Travelling with the Butterfly Prince: Part I and Travelling with the Butterfly Prince: Part II

  1. Reiko is not hunting a Southron.
  2. Reiko has not learned the identity of the Shadow.
  3. Aside from Yoshi, no one in the party has met the traveler that Yoshi and Reiko saved from bandits in the Butterfly Kingdom.
  4. Duke Huang wants Reiko to succeed in her hunt.
  5. The party has not met anyone, other than possibly Aku and the Marked, who knows the identity of the Shadow.
  6. The Shadow is one of the Marked of the Spider.

Note: Casual inspection would suggest this does not reflect the same sort of interference-with-scrying as the reading on the memory-messing-marked above, but I haven't rolled interpret omens on it, and it's certainly still possible that the Shadow is the eighth Marked.

During Travelling with the Butterfly Prince: Part II

  1. Strife between the Strand and other Kingdoms is not on the path that leads to the return of the Dragon.
  2. The Marked do not want the Dragon to return.
  3. Machan Li provoked the Savanna's conflict with the Butterfly Kingdom.
  4. Machan Li was surprised when the fight between the Forest and the Savanna started.
  5. The Marked as a whole do not have plans for the current strife between the Kingdoms.
  6. Some of the Marked are promoting the Savanna's current fights with the Forest, Taiga, and Strand.

Between Travelling with the Butterfly Prince: Part II and Travelling with the Butterfly Prince: Conclusion

  1. The renaming of the Serpentine is tied to the building of the Coil.
  2. The renaming of the Foxruns is tied to the burning of the Jade Spire.
  3. The renaming of Monkeypuzzle Forest is tied to the changing of the forest wind.
  4. The renaming of Bear Mountain is tied to the change in ownership of the Red Pagoda.
  5. The renaming of The Dragon's Throne is tied to the creation of the Regency Council.
  6. The Marked's plan to rename the Butterfly Kingdom is tied to Prince Ti Jun. You make some edits to this one, and then tear up the paper.

Instructions on interpretation: I am explicitly using "tied to" as a fairly loose connector, rather than "caused by" or something, as in a couple of cases I'm not sure if it's cause or effect. I more mean something like "investigation of this event would yield information relevant to the renaming."

Int with I Ching Mastery says that the obliteration of the paper in response to the last element seems like a somewhat different scry blockage than the prior blockages tied to the Prince.

Between Travelling with the Butterfly Prince: Conclusion and Truth and Beauty

  1. The Obsidian Warlord ordered a blockade of the Shrouded Isle to interfere with Min Feng's secret society(s).
  2. Drawing the Dragon Army into the war between the Savanna and the Forest would interfere with that blockade.
  3. Covert forces attempted to involve the Dragon Army in the war by sinking some of its ships.
  4. The forces were aided by a mystic who could make them invisible to the Dragon Army.
  5. The Shrouded Isle is tied to the Phoenix, and has many mystics.
  6. The forces attempting to involve the Dragon Army in the war were sent by those from the Shrouded Isle.

Between Truth and Beauty and Phoenix Hearth

  1. We have the Great Talisman of the Butterfly.
  2. Kar Fai has the Great Talisman of the Dragon.
  3. There is supposed to be one Great Talisman for each Cycle Spirit.
  4. The Marked want the Great Talisman Kar Fai has.
  5. The Great Talisman of the Magpie is in the Harbor of Fortunate Arrival, in the possession of the House of Benevolent Oversight.
  6. The Great Talisman of the Spider is in the Hidden City, under the control of the Marked.

During Phoenix Hearth

I don't think I did one this run, and if I did, I no longer have the notes.

Between Phoenix Hearth and A River Befouled

  1. The Great Talisman of the Butterfly doubles the wearer's Status.
  2. The Great Talisman of the Phoenix doubles the wearer's Health.
  3. The Great Talisman of the Fox doubles the wearer's Charisma.
  4. The Great Talisman of the Bear doubles the wearer's Strength.
  5. The Great Talisman of the Tiger doubles the wearer's Accuracy.
  6. The Great Talisman of the Tortoise doubles the wearer's Resolve.

During A River Befouled

  1. Mola Ram is performing a ritual over the course of years.
  2. The next step will take place on Midwinter.
  3. The next step involves the Spirit of the Pearl River.
  4. The cage built by Stoneback Cho and Sasaki is required to transport the Spirit of the Pearl from where they plan to trap it to where they plan to do the Midwinter Ritual.
  5. Destroying the cage at the trapping ritual will prevent the Midwinter Ritual and require Mola Ram to cheat to correct the Water imbalance in his main ritual.
  6. We will have to fight the Spirit of the Pearl as well as Mola Ram's followers until the cage is destroyed.

Between A River Befouled and Compass Rose

  1. The Great Talisman of the Bear doubles the wearer's Resistance.
  2. The Great Talisman of the Magpie doubles the wearer's Wits.
  3. The Great Talisman of the Serpent doubles the wearer's Grace.
  4. The Great Talisman of the Dog doubles the wearer's Strength.
  5. The Great Talisman of the Monkey doubles the wearer's Energy.
  6. The Great Talisman of the Tortoise doubles the wearer's Int.

You do not have four true facts.

During Compass Rose

  1. Autumn Rose has traveled from the Hidden City to the Harbor of Fortunate Arrival on a specific mission.
  2. That Mission is to acquire??? the Hunter's Map.
  3. She is not on the mission for the Cartogramancer.
  4. She knows Li Merit's name as part of finding the map.
  5. If she acquires the map, she will use it against??? the Cartogramancer.
  6. If we speak to her, the Marked will gain information about us.

The "???" indicates words that were not *false*, but were not really *right*, either, or something like that.

Between Compass Rose and A Note for You

  1. When there are twelve Great Talismans, each doubles a unique substat.
  2. No Great Talisman doubles a Tao substat.
  3. The Spider and Dragon Great Talismans both affect the same substat.
  4. The Great Talisman of the Magpie doubles Energy.
  5. The Great Talisman of the Monkey doubles Dex.
  6. The Great Talisman of the Crane doubles Wits.

Between A Note for You and Coin of the Magpie

  1. The War in the Tanzhe began shortly after the Butterfly Prince was in that area.
  2. The Butterfly Prince knows more than he is saying about the start of the war.
  3. The Marked were not involved in starting the War in the Tanzhe.
  4. The Butterfly Prince was carrying a grudge against the Savanna for its actions against the Butterfly Kingdom when he travelled through the area of the Tanzhe Plain.
  5. The threat to the Temple of the Eternal Dream at the start of the war was arranged by Spider to hinder the Butterfly King's passage through the World Above.
  6. The Butterfly Prince spoke with members of Clan Zhen before the war started.

As you sit at the table, drinking your tea and listing the facts before you, you take a sip and something moves in your mouth! Gah! A small fly has blundered into your tea and become waterlogged. You stand up, coughing, and reach for a napkin to spit the fly into with a modicum of politeness, but reaching for the napkin, you upset the teacup with the rest of your tea, which spills over the page, smearing the ink.

Between Coin of the Magpie and Noodles of Fu Manchu

  1. At least one of the Marked has significant connections and influence in the world of the Tongs.
  2. Lucky Chang does not have such influence.
  3. "Machan Li" does not have such influence.
  4. The Cartogramancer does not have such influence.
  5. The Obsidian Warlord does not have such influence.
  6. Tai Lung does not have such influence.

I missed a chance to do one after this.

Between Recondite Tributaries and Dream Sequence

  1. The name of the Strand was changed, at least in part, by the building of the Coil.
  2. The name of the Forest was changed, at least in part, by the seizing of power by the current High Warlord's family.
  3. The name of the Precincts was changed, at least in part, by the Council of Sages acquiring individual veto power.
  4. "Machan Li" attempted to change the name of the Butterfly Kingdom by getting a local artist to become the Artist of Distinction by cheating.
  5. The countries' name changes are caused, at least in part, by the countries' relationship with their Spirit becoming more Spider-aspected. You draw some squiggles around "are caused", not quite happy with it, but the alternative is not necessarily an improvement.
  6. Spider seeks to remake the Empire as the Empire of the Spider, and the name changes are a part of that plan.

Between Dream Sequence and Fox in Socks

  1. People who have been North of the Wall can learn about and believe the changed names of the countries.
  2. People who have been South of the Wall can learn about and believe the changed names of the countries.
  3. People who have been through the Pass of the Five Elements can learn about and believe the changed names of the countries. You cross out "can" and replace it with "could".
  4. People who become one of the Marked can learn about and believe the changed names of the countries.
  5. No other mortals in the Empire can learn about and believe the changed names of the countries. You tap this a couple of times and insert "now" before "in the Empire".
  6. At least one other group of mortals in the Empire can learn about and believe the changed names of the countries.

During Fox in Socks

  1. The Great Talisman of the Tortoise is in the Exalted Library.
  2. The Great Talisman of the Monkey can be found by collecting all seven Monkeys.
  3. The Great Talisman of the Tiger was present at or near the recent battles between the Savanna and the Taiga.
  4. The Great Talisman of the Serpent is buried under the Coil.
  5. The Great Talisman of the Bear is in the Green Pagoda.
  6. The Great Talisman of the Phoenix is in the possession of the Song of the Phoenix.

During The Eighth Name

  1. Spider wishes to kill or otherwise punish Brother Han for refusing him.
  2. There are others who have refused Spider that he wishes to punish.
  3. Chochiro has no Aspect.
  4. Brother Han has no Aspect.
  5. Chochiro has refused the Spider.
  6. It is not yet settled whether Chochiro's last quest will be for Spider or for Dragon.

During Information Hunt

  1. There is a Chi (Blood) flow from the Guest Palace to the Northern Ship.
  2. The Northern Ship is a Terminal for Chi (Blood) flows.
  3. The Northern Ship is Wrong.
  4. The Clan Chief of the Master of Life + Death knows the Northern Wall blocked their plan. (You draw a squiggly line over "knows")
  5. The Clan Chief does not know the result of the undead attacks (You draw a squiggly line over "result")
  6. The Ship is part of how the Clan Chief learned of what happened here.

During The Real Inspector Fu

  1. At the party, we realized Fu's aide was Machan Li.
  2. We left the party early, and tried to capture Machan Li.
  3. Machan Li had been poisoned by the Alchemist, such that Xiao Fa could not save him. (You draw a squiggly line over Machan Li and "by" - while technically true, this is wrong)
  4. If Fu finds who killed his aide, we will regret it.
  5. Machan Li was trying to frame Ringmaster Te for poisoning someone.
  6. Someone was trying to give the King a love potion.

Puttering after Over the Mountains and Through the Woods

  1. Spider has a plan for the Empire beyond just taking Dragon's place in the Cycle.
  2. Spider is actually a Skinwalking Demon.
  3. There are no other Demons in the Cycle.
  4. Spider wants to make the Cycle accept Demons. (You cross this out lightly.)
  5. Stealing the Spider-Spirit skin from Lord Aku would remove him from the Cycle.
  6. Skinwalking in the Spider-Spirit skin would add any major spirit who wore it to the Cycle as "Spider".

These last two aren't quite phrased right, but they're closer to true than not.

During Three Ring Yoshi

  1. Lijuan is an heir to the line of the Bear Emperor.
  2. Someone is trying to kill her because of that.
  3. That person wants to exterminate the line.
  4. The Marked want to set up a new Imperial line.
  5. Exterminating the Bear Emperor line would help set up a new Imperial line.
  6. One of the Marked hired the Crew to find an heir to the line.

From Book Four

From Book Five

From Book Six